Flying Start Trainees Arrive in Australia

After arriving in Australia on August 11 from their time in the USA, the current crop of second-year Darley Flying Start trainees began a week of orientation at Darley's Aberdeen property, where they met key members of Darley's Australian team and were presented with a series of informative talks ranging from the key differences between managing a thoroughbred stud farm in Australia compared to other countries, the process of selecting suitable shuttle stallions from the northern hemisphere and then how to best promote those horses to the Australian market.

After spending a week settling into their new surroundings, which they will call home for the next four months of their two-year course, the twelve trainees commenced their second week with the Practical roster, which sees them partake in all facets of the stud's operations, ranging from working with the yearlings and stallions, lactating and dry mares, as well as the farming aspect of the Darley property.

Business graduate Liam Howley and veterinarian Jason Walsh, the two Australians who are part of this year's group along with Andrew Williams of New Zealand, have started the somewhat interesting process of "localising" the rest of the group, introducing them to life in Australia, the culture, and of course the intricacies of the Australian language.

Currently in the second week of a four-week course in Veterinary Nursing and Breeding Management from the Scone TAFE, the Flying Start trainees will also spend time with some of Australia's leading trainers and industry participants over the coming weeks, as well as experiencing the world-renowned Melbourne Spring Carnival.

A four-week work placement will follow towards the end of the Australian leg, where the trainees will gain valuable experience in the sector of the industry where there interest lies.